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We partner with you to provide  compliant, practical and effective solutions for your business.

What we do


We develop compliant and practical environmental management systems


We understand that complying can be hard.  Laws are becoming tougher and business is becoming harder.


Solutions must fit with your business or they won’t be followed by your teams.  At the same time, the activity must be performed compliantly to avoid harming the environment and potential penalties for the business and you personally.  It’s a high stakes balancing act.   

Solutions must be sustainable.


We provide expert assistance in producing environmental management systems that help you comply with strict environment protection laws.  We want to protect both the environment and you from penalty.

We are compliance partners.  Here to help you.


We believe in nurturing long-term business relationships through excellent service and ongoing support of our clients.   We like to think of ourselves as compliance partners.

We provide expert help when you need it.


We are there when you need us, not when you don’t.  (We don’t add to headcount)

What makes us different?


Our unique difference lies in our hands-on management experience, operating businesses in the environmental services space, including the highly regulated hazardous waste management sector.  Our real life, practical knowledge and experience helps deliver sustainable solutions for you.

How we can help

We take the time to understand your business so we can provide compliance solutions that work 

Complying with EPA communications


If you have had an environmental incident, received an improvement notice from the EPA or just want to ensure your business is doing the right thing, we can help you navigate the process.

Developing environmental management systems


Developing an effective and compliant environmental management system can be difficult.  There are many considerations.  We can review existing documents or develop new ones such as:

  • Environmental risk assessments

  • Environmental management plans

  • EPA applications

  • Stormwater management plans

  • Lawful disposal pathway reviews

  • Work instructions & procedures

  • Plus more

Identifying and controlling environmental risks


The EPA administer a risk-based compliance system.  Your business is required to understand and manage the risks the activity poses to human health and the environment.  We can help you identify risks, assess them and if required, suggest further controls, in line with EPA guidelines.

Grant applications and tender reviews


We can help prepare grant applications to help your business get that welcome funding boost.  We can also assist in the review of tender responses for private and public sectors.

Accredited Consignor


CRA consultant Andrew Swann is an accredited consignor, meaning he is authorised by the EPA to categorise your waste so you know where it can be disposed safely and compliantly.

We help all types of businesses


Our client list is long and varied.  Our clients range from waste and recycling companies through to state government authorities, councils to petroleum suppliers, small businesses to schools and universities.   The general environmental duty applies to all and everyone operating a business must comply. 

Call us.  We understand environmental compliance.

Circular Resources Australia was founded to help businesses like yours comply with complicated environmental legislation. Please call us today to arrange a no obligation discussion about how we can help you.

New EPA Laws



Tel: 0438 667 790


Tel: 0402 275 713

Circular Resources Australia was founded by Andrew Swann and Allan Cummins to help businesses achieve compliance with with EPA regulations.

Both Andrew and Allan have worked in the heavily regulated hazardous waste and recycling sector to manage sites for some of the world's largest waste companies. 

With over 25 years combined experience, they understand what needs to be done and how to achieve it.

Andrew and Allan have experienced the pressures that modern businesses face, including how to manage competing priorities such as safety, compliance, budgets, staffing, equipment and client pressure.

This is what makes CRA unique.  Andrew and Allan have operated businesses like yours and have the practical experience to confidently help you where you need it, as experienced compliance partners.


Good information can be hard to find.  Let us make it easier for you.


Here are a range of resources to help you find information about environmental compliance, safety and also industries we support.


Click on the name to be taken to their websites.

EPA Victoria


“The Authority”.  The EPA website is a great source of information to help you comply with the Environment Protection Act (2017).   Search for industry specific guidelines.  If you are still confused, give us a call.

Sustainability Victoria

A great website to find all things sustainable.  This is where you will also find information about grants that may be available for your business.  

Australian Organic Recycling Association (AORA)

Australia’s peak organic recycling association and one that CRA is proud to be a member and supporter.  In 2018-19, Australia produced approximately 14.6 million tonnes of organic waste and only 7.5 million tonnes were recycled.  We need to recycle more of it to create high quality composts and soil conditioners to help improve Australia’s soil health.

Victorian Waste Management Association (VWMA)

The Victorian Waste Management Association (VWMA) represents the waste and recycling sector in Victoria.  The VWMA works to promote best practice and the highest industry standards through providing Member services and advice on industrial relations, occupational health and safety issues, and environmental regulations.  CRA are a proud member and supporter of the VWMA.

Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association Australia (WMRR)

National representative body for the waste and resource recovery sector.

Worksafe Victoria

Everyone should be safe at work.  The Worksafe Victoria website is a great resource for information on how to make your workplace safer.  Search for industry specific guidelines.

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)

Victorian government authority focused on creating a liveable, inclusive and sustainable Victoria with thriving natural environments.  Another great source of available grants. 

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) 

DAWE is a federal government authority who administer waste export licences.  “WELD” permits are now required to export waste glass, waste plastic and tyres.  If you plan on exporting material overseas, visit this site for information on how to apply for a WELD licence.  If you are still confused, give us a call. 

Victorian Transport Association (VTA)

A great source of information for those involved in transporting materials (be it waste, food, goods etc).  The VTA provides a broad range of Advisory, Representative and Advocacy services to the transport and logistics industry.

Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF)

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) has been the voice of Victorian farmers and rural communities since 1979, helping to create a sustainable and socially responsible agricultural industry connecting with all Victorians.  We at CRA support our farmers and what they do for us.

Dairy Australia

Dairy Australia provides services to farmers in eight dairying regions across the country and in many different ways.




P.O Box 2060, Camberwell West, Victoria, 3124

Tel:  0438 667 790 (Andrew)

Tel:  0402 275 713 (Allan)

For any general enquiries, please fill in the following contact form:





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